Roof Racks in Jamaica Charged Additional Fees at Tolls
Drivers of regular sized cars are currently being charged higher rates at the Jamaican Vineyards toll plaza due to roof racks, which authorities say push their vehicles into a higher toll category. Toll operators stated that roof racks are not an extension but instead a core part of the vehicle. Jamaican toll plaza charge rates according to a car's size, but some vehicles such as the 2004 Suzuki Vitara cross over into two categories and if the Suzuki Vitara has a roof rack then that vehicle pays a higher toll than a Vitara without the roof rack.
Transportation authorities explained the matter in a release, outlining how toll collectors should be allowed to exercise discretion with regards to such issues, and that the public is not educated on the effect that the roof rack or other exterior accessories on the cars can have on the rates charged by the toll collectors. "This is in the context of no discretionary powers being granted to the collectors at the toll booths," authorities stated. Adding that "It is important that the public be educated about such technicalities, so users of the highway could better understand how the system works and how best to protect their interests in traversing the toll road."
A $200 fee is applied to class two cars that are more than 1.7 meters high but less than 5.5 meters long. There is a $400 fee charged for class three vehicles, which are more than 1.7 meters high and more than 5.5 meters long.
Roof Racks in Jamaica Charged Additional Fees at Tolls
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 4:05 PM

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