Buckalter of Yakima Racks Speaks at Snow Industry Summit
The ski rack and snowboard rack industry was represented at the second annual, two day Snow Industry Summit, which took place at Copper Mountain Colorado, by Amy Buckalter of Yakima Racks. She was a member of a three person panel which addressed the 'Many Faces of Eve' and how the snow sports industry can continue to reach the women’s market.
Buckalter provided statistics that both suppliers and retailers need to consider as snowsports firms continue to market to women, including understanding that women are currently the majority of decision makers; women now earn half or more of the household income; and by 2010, 70% of new entrants into the workforce will be women and people of color. She also identified several companies that have been successful in their approaches to the women’s market. However, companies must continue connecting with the female customer, building relationships and securing womens' loyalty.
Buckalter of Yakima Racks Speaks at Snow Industry Summit
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 2:48 PM

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