Car Industry Provides Roof Rack Tips for Christmas Tree Transport
This time of year the practice of tying the Christmas tree to a car roof rack is very common. Consumers should look to avoid transporting a tree that can invariably slide around scratching the rooftop paintwork and other resultant hazards such as windshield obstruction.
Car Industry safety tips have been compiled for consumers. Essential is thinking about how the christmas tree will be going home before making a purchase. Ensuring the tree is tied safely to the car rack is best left to the seller, who more often than not has considerable experience. Also many sellers also supply plastic bags to pull over the tree. The plastic bags can aid considerably in avoiding damage to a vehicle's exterior cuased by the tree. Wrapped trees are easier to secure to the roof rack. And above all, industry experts stress, is to never transport a christmas tree on a vehicle that does not have some type of car roof rack system. Unsafe transport and exterior finish damage is certain to result otherwise.
Car Industry Provides Roof Rack Tips for Christmas Tree Transport
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 11:25 AM

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