Hampton Roads Transit Authority Reports the Addition of 225 Bus Bike Racks
Virginia Hampton Roads Transit officials have announced the approval of a new program that will allow the public to use bus-mounted bike racks. The Hampton Roads Transit anticipates the new offering will boost ridership among potential customers who may have wanted to use public transit but found the walk to a bus stop too far. Commuters can bicycle to a bus stop and place their bikes on a bus front-mounted bike rack.
HRT officials reported they spent $85,000 to equip 225 buses with the bicycle racks. A diagram explaining how to use the carriers is on the front of the buses, as bus drivers are not allowed to assist cyclists in placing a bike in a rack or removing it. HRT added that is currently running an advertising campaign to coincide with National Bike Month during May.
Hampton Roads Transit Authority Reports the Addition of 225 Bus Bike Racks
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 6:46 PM

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