Nissan Roof Rack Manufacturer Establishes Local Assembly Plant
A spokesman for the Nissan Motor Corporation has announced that Nissan’s automobile assembly plant is helping to bring suppliers close by. Tier-one supplier SportRack Automotive, a supplier of roof rack systems, is establishing an assembly and manufacturing plant locally, where it will manufacture Nissan roof racks. SportRack car racks will ship the products to the Nissan plant.
“We’re extremely pleased with the relationship we’ve developed with Nissan,” remarked Richard Borghi, president and COO for SportsRack. “SRA looks at Nissan as a partner and intends to help it in its future growth initiatives.” SRA reports to have chosen this location because executives got the impression that state and local officials were not only interested in helping the company to locate in Mississippi, but that they were also concerned with making the location a successful one.
Nissan Roof Rack Manufacturer Establishes Local Assembly Plant
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 5:58 PM

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