DIY Bike Parking Rack Released By LEDA Security Products
LEDA Security Products recently announced the company has reengineered the Compact Security bike rack, converting it into a do-it-yourself shippable kit form. The company reports significant distribution and freight savings will result. The storage bike rack has security rails which offer vertical support while allowing the bicycle’s frame and both wheels to be secured. Each heavy duty security rail incorporates an EPDM cushion that protects bicycles from accidental damage. The bicycle storage rack is manufactured from powder coated steel components.
LEDA Security Products also announced it has released The Bicycle Parking & Security Handbook, a technical guide for designers and builders when selecting a bike parking rack for various needs and applications.
DIY Bike Parking Rack Released By LEDA Security Products
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 9:31 AM

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