Thule Racks Senior VP of Finance Speaks at International Buyer Symposium
Ola Burmark, Senior VP of Finance for Thule Racks, one of the world's largest manufacturers of car racks, recently spoke at the fifth annual International Buyer Symposium in Stockholm, which was hosted by global investment bank RSM EquiCo. The symposium was attended by several senior executives representing many of the Scandanavian region's top private equity groups and corporations.
The event featured panel discussions on an array of issues associated with cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Prior events were held in London (two times), Frankfurt and Madrid. Specializing in mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and capital raising for companies with annual revenue up to $500 million, RSM EquiCo actively markets North American companies to prospective buyers throughout Europe. With international headquarters in London, the firm is hosting the Symposium to give European business leaders a better understanding of the current acquisition climate in North America, simultaneously addressing several relevant strategic, legal, financial and tax issues.
Thule Racks Senior VP of Finance Speaks at International Buyer Symposium
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 6:40 PM

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